Allah Bayar “CASH”.Sumpahan Doa Seorang Ibu Kepada Anak DERHAKA Buat Ramai TERPANA !!!

Kisah seorang wanita yang melakukan keingkaran ke atas ibunya. Sesungguhnya doa seorang ibu sangat mustajab. Semoga kita mendapat keredhaan ibubapa.

Masyarakat di Dusun Jublek, Desa Napis, Kecamatan Tambakrejo, Kabupaten Bojonegoro digemparkan oleh penemuan mayat di dalam peti.

Yang lebih menghairankan lagi, mayat tersebut telah keras seperti batu seolah-olah di pelihara bertahun-tahun lamanya.

Sebenarnya mayat seorang wanita ini telah disumpah oleh ibunya kerana telah menderhaka terhadap ibu sendiri.

Biarpun peristiwa ini telah lama berlaku namun diharapkan ianya menjadi iktibar buat kita semua. Tindakan gadis ini memukul dan megeluarkan kata-kata kesat akhirnya menemui padah. Saat meninggal keadaan mayat berubah.

Maklumat ini diperolehi melalui Berita Jatim di lapangan, Khamis (20/8/2009) menyebutkan, mayat tersebut ditemui warga di salah satu rumah kosong di tengah hutan jati sekitar desa setempat.



Bisnis : Want To Start Trading? Learn About The Benefits Of FOREX ...

Trading has extremely advanced in the last few years and as such, more people can trade, given the emergence of easier access to such opportunities. When considering the possibility of becoming a trader, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is, “what market should I choose?”
Granted, the commodities market has had a tremendous economic impact on nations and people from energy, metals, agriculture to livestock. In fact, trading commodities has recorded favorable long term returns especially for categories such as precious metalswhich can serve as a hedge against high inflation or during periods of currency devaluation.
You may think about metals, indices, energies or other trade commodities but while every market has its own attraction, the advantages of trading in Forex shouldn’t be overlooked.
Forex trading has continued to become a main source of income for those that enjoy online financial investing. Over the years, many people have managed to conduct successful trades and have enjoyed the benefits of this active market. Due to the ease of accessibility to Forex trading within the last few decades, more and more people are starting to wonder what the main benefits of Forex trading are. Some of those people are familiar with online trading through stocks, however it is vital to understand the advantages that Forex offers compared to the stock market.

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